Dan Bell

dan bell

I started racing as a juvenile and was lucky enough to be able to join V C Lincoln. Generally I got shelled out of the back in races and club runs until becoming a Junior where I was able to hang on the back in races.

I have mainly ridden road races and cyclocross with varied results. Riding a frozen Junior National Cyclocross Champs course at Wolverhampton I managed to drop the bike every lap in the same place. I have also managed not to get lapped by Sven Nys riding in Middlefart, Denmark!

Several years later I managed to ride to a third place in the U23 National Cyclocross Champs at Sutton Park and secure a place on the GB U23 squad for the World Championships in Denmark. All this is down to fantastic support from Mr Ellmore, Mr Hobby and Mr Lister. A year later I managed to secure place on the Senior GB team travelling to a World Cup Cyclocross race in Switzerland, pretty fast out there!

Nowadays I spend more time driving a desk than cycling but still manage to ride and race and still get those pre-race nerves. Generally found towards the rear of races or holding a stopwatch as a trainee commissaire!