Patrick Warren


Obtherwise known as PATRICK "How does my position look?" WARREN. Back to winning ways in 2017, Patrick hopes to again retain his 2nd Cat licence in 2018, in his drive to be the oldest 2nd cat in the East Midlands, simply by enduring the grind for longer than his rivals.

As a master tactician ( 'sit on' ), he hopes his ability to read a race ( 'sit on') and be there at the finish ( 'sit on' ) will yield plenty of opportunities to sneak the points needed on the road and track. Will be relying heavily on his preferred lead out Alison Stringer, and trying to to figure out how to generate enough speed to come by her and get across the line 1st.

Occasionally seen concentrating very hard on keeping upright and moving forward on his TT bike...but not very often